For your safety, we have implemented the following protocols.

  • Patients must first call for pre-screening before their appointment. For reasons of infection precautions, we must ask you several focused questions to determine your risk and to decide when and how you should be seen in the clinic.

  • If you need to be seen for general reasons: Patients who are not considered likely to have the coronavirus [COVID-19] infection can be processed through the regular waiting area, while patients who we deem to possibly be infectious will not be brought through the waiting room. The seating in our waiting area is arranged to keep clients at least 6 feet apart. Our patient exam rooms, doorknobs, and faucets are disinfected between visits. We take every precaution to protect the health of our patients and our employees.

  • If you are sick with symptoms of coronavirus or have had a possible exposure, we will have you call us from your vehicle to let us know that you have arrived. You will be met in the parking lot, given a mask, and will be taken directly through a side door. You will not need to sit with other patients who are potentially infectious.

Our list of Providers

  • Dr. Lisa Peterson

  • Dr. Mary Drey

  • Dr. Gary Van Ert

  • Dr. Dorothea Jacobsen

  • Delia Gilbertsen, PA-C

  • Tracy Dziacky, PA-C

Please call us with any questions

402-488-5050 (Call Direct)
402-488-5001 (Fax Direct)